Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Well first of all I didn't like that Justin Bieber appeared in the video, it kind off ruined my meal. Now, talking about body language and the saying  "Your actions speak louder than your words." I think it's true, because the way you dress, the way you look, the way you move your hands tells a lot about you and the message you want to give, and according to the documentary, it is even more important that the thing that you are actually saying with your mouth, for example, you can't go to a business meeting wearing shorts and sandals because the other people will think that you aren't taking it seriously, and you haven't said even a single word, or the example that was given in the video where Peter Griffin doesn't know what he is saying but the Italian guy seems to understand that it's offensive by the tone of voice and the gesture that he is making, as well according the articles that we've read the facial expressions are universal, but the language is not, so if you're in a different country and you don't know the language using your face could come in handy, there's no limitation of what we can transmit without saying a word, and I think it is even more easier to express something making a kind of gesture than talking, even more if you're a shy person, it could be a solution for them, I think that we should focus more in how we are talking instead of what we are saying, it could avoid a lot of misunderstandings.

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