Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Well first of all I didn't like that Justin Bieber appeared in the video, it kind off ruined my meal. Now, talking about body language and the saying  "Your actions speak louder than your words." I think it's true, because the way you dress, the way you look, the way you move your hands tells a lot about you and the message you want to give, and according to the documentary, it is even more important that the thing that you are actually saying with your mouth, for example, you can't go to a business meeting wearing shorts and sandals because the other people will think that you aren't taking it seriously, and you haven't said even a single word, or the example that was given in the video where Peter Griffin doesn't know what he is saying but the Italian guy seems to understand that it's offensive by the tone of voice and the gesture that he is making, as well according the articles that we've read the facial expressions are universal, but the language is not, so if you're in a different country and you don't know the language using your face could come in handy, there's no limitation of what we can transmit without saying a word, and I think it is even more easier to express something making a kind of gesture than talking, even more if you're a shy person, it could be a solution for them, I think that we should focus more in how we are talking instead of what we are saying, it could avoid a lot of misunderstandings.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Well, I've been researching about the subculture of transgender people, and I've found some interesting data, first of all I'd like you to know what exactly a transgender is, well transgender people are those who doesn't feel comfortable with their gender, it's not just the sexual orientation or likes because gay people actually like to be male, so they go through a process of "transition" from a sex to another, it could sex change surgeries or an hormone treatment or any other kind of process, besides this I've found some statistic data about the discrimination that this subculture has to go through, the rate of unemployment is the double of the normal people, the 97% of the ones who can get a job are object of universal harassment, 26% of them had to seek temporary home, and there are many more forms of discrimination that the transgender people live, they are people just like anybody and they deserve the same rights that the "normal" people have, in my opinion this can't go on like this.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Well after watching the movie "my big fat greek wedding", I could see some of the troubles that could happen if there is a wedding between two different cultures, for me one of the biggest problems is the acceptation of the families, because they may have their own reservations, they might not accept the customs of the mate, another problem could be the religion, if for one of the families of the couple the religion es really important it could be an obstacle for the wedding, if we remember the film Ian couldn't marry Toula until he turned to the greek ortodox church, and it would be worst if you try to marry a person from a more strict religion like the islam or the judaism, you couldn't even date that person, anyway if the couple love each other they will find a way to marry if they really want to, I think that the real problem are the families more that your couple.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ok first of all, I'm really sorry for the delay, I've got no excuses, I was watching the videos and reading both of the articles that were posted on the class's blog and then I started to reflect and say to myself, what is happening is really bad for the humanity, all the cultures that don't fit in a way of giving profit for to the globalization are being erased by "the crude face of domination" as Wade Davis says, I think is really important to try to preserve this languages because it's part of the world's culture and part of the way of being of many people , as the world is getting more and more intercommunicated we are trying to reduce all the languages to one: English, I have nothing against speaking English, in fact I like to do it and I think people should learn some too, but if we keep going like this even Spanish will be wiped out of the face of earth, all the stories, all the ritual songs, all the prayers and everything that involves an specific language will be gone with it, that would be a great lose to the world.

I don’t really know how to say that deferent cultures make contribution to the society but it’s a fact that it makes the world look less gray than it is, I mean is really good to know that there still are some people that doesn’t see a tree as a pile of paper but a nature god that has to be protected, that the animals are not just pets and food but reincarnation of their ancestors, I think that the major contribution that different cultures do are not something that is a material profit the society but it make us see the world in a different way, a place where many different people coexist.
Tom Colls in his article says “In 1992 a prominent US linguist stunned the academic world by predicting that by the year 2100, 90% of the world's languages would have ceased to exist." of if at the moment around the world are being spoken 7000 of languages, that means that by 2100 there will be 6300 languages that had been wiped out of our society and if you take a language the most sure thing to happened is that the culture that speaks it would end too, Phil Borges says that in his trip to the Himalayas you couldn’t have a photo of the Dalai Lama because that is one of the quickest ways of getting in jail, but hi took some small photos of him and gave it to the people and everyone just took the photo put it on their foreheads and started to pray, that’s amazing, and if thing just disappear from our world it would lose all of it beauty, yeah that everyone speak the same language would be a great advantage for global communication but, does it worth the price of killing every culture that doesn’t speak the language? Think about it.

Monday, January 30, 2012

About me.

Well, I'm 17 years old, in April I will have 18 though so I like to think of myself as an adult now, I'm studying graphic design and yes I like to draw, A LOT, my name is Cesar Insignares but I like to be called Gontaro, because that's the nickname I use always, I really like English and I'm studying it because I want to improve my grammar, conversation and accent, about this blog... well I don't really know what I will be posting here, what I know is that it will be really interesting, well I'll try to do it interesting so you don't get bored reading this, my biggest dream is going to japan and study manga, and yes there is a college in Kyoto that has that faculty, I know it sounds stupid but I want to be a Manga-ka (someone who writes/draw manga) and that's pretty much the things I have to say about myself.